BABE-Sitter Animation System

"BABE-Sitter" is animation system for furniture, support all objects.

long click the object is open animation menu, when you sit on the object.

(- Back -) back to main menu, when open sub menu.

(System) open system settings, only owner.
(Finger) you can choose hand poses, when current priority is less than 4.
(Swap) swap animation + positon for current avatars.
(Sync) sync animation for couple/group, mean restart animation for viewer.
(Adjust) adjust avatar position and rotation.
(Single) you can choose single avatar animation, support multi avatar.
(Couple) you can choose couple avatar animation, work with two avatar.
(Group)  you can choose group avatar animation, synchronize animation.

system settings, owner can use this menu by first setting.

(Reset) free memory : 256 byte... reset all settings, and adjusted locations.
(Active) system state : Active... this sitter system is Active or Sleep.
(Mode) system mode : Multiple... you can choose animation from this mode.
(Gender) check gender : ON... open menu, when avatar sit down.
(Sync) auto sync timer : Disable... repeat timer for auto sync animation.
(Menu) open this menu : Short Click... click to next animation or open menu.
(Owner) this owner only : Enable... system settings menu is use only owner.
(Finger) finger animation : Disable... add button "Finger" to animation menu.
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