Add Animation to HUD

check "current data name", click HUD gear button and open settings menu.

your inventory, rez/drop the HUD on the ground,

right click the HUD, pop-up menu Edit, open edit window.

click tab Content, open the same notecard as the "current data name".

your inventory, copy animation name you want to add

opened notecard, add or replace with the animation name

click button Save and close the notecard.

your inventory, drag animation you added

drop the animation to Content folder and close edit window

right click the HUD, pop-up menu Take.

your inventory,  wear HUD

click gear button and Load, reload "current data name".

check the animation you added, if it is selectable

click HUD center globe and extended menu

click label "Walk" and select the animation name.

- you can not add multiple animations to singles.

- separate by commas, check misspelling uppercase lowercase letters.

- only 255 characters can be written on one line.

- "no transfer" means you can not send content to other avatars.

- drag arrow stop for reloading contents, whenever edit content folder.
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